$297.00 USD

Your Fingerstyle Guide

A Fingerstyle Course in Mechanics from Classic Blues to Modern Fingerstyle and Everything In Between!

What you'll get:

  • Instant Access to the Full Course
  • The course is equivalent to a year of Private Lessons- A $4,500 Value!
  • 8 Modules Starting with Foundations, Accompaniment, Classical, Blues, Boom Chuck, Jazz, and Modern Fingerstyle guitar taught in detail
  • Over 90 Video Lessons
  • Automatically Tracks your Progress Throughout the Course
  • Lifetime access to videos
  • PDF tabs for all lessons to download
  • You can ask me questions about anything
  • Risk Free - 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

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How I would describe the course:

The "Fingerstyle Guide" Course is what I would teach you in private lessons if you wanted to learn all about fingerstyle guitar. It goes through several genres and techniques associated with each genre. But the most important thing about the course is that it takes a progressive approach to learning fingerstyle guitar. Meaning that you learn the techniques in the right order to stack up your progress. I've found teaching privately for the last 10 years that almost all new students that come to me for lessons have skipped important steps and need to go back to learn the steps in the correct way. The Modules in Your Fingerstyle Guide are labeled by genre (classical, boom chuck, blues, spanish, jazz, modern) but it's the order that is important. The goal from a mechanics point of view is like this: 1. Activate the fingers of the right hand by playing the right songs at first. 2. Further activate the fingers of the right hand by playing "pattern picking" which is used for accompaniment. 3. Start to activate the thumb by using it more with some Spanish examples. 4. Get some thumb/ finger independence by starting monotonic bass examples in blues 5. Gain more independence with boom chuck technique 6. Expand your mind with some chord voicings up the neck with some jazz examples 7. Adding percussion to make it modern All the sections have song examples as well as exercises to develop your technique. You should go through all these modules in order, but you dont have to master anything to move on to the next section. These are the steps to get better at fingerstyle guitar, even if you only want to play blues in the future. These steps will give you a nice balance in your techniques which will make blues much easier to learn quickly in the future. The course videos are just like my YouTube Lessons except they go in the order I recommend for teaching your right hand to do the mechanics correctly.

-Heath from FGA